Commentary: Apple iPad and Why I am Still Keen


Ok, the word is out on the Apple iPad with mixed reviews so far. Many were expecting a bit more than what Apple delivered - USB port, SD card slot, and more computer-like capabilities - instead it was more like a bigger version of an iPhone/iTouch.

I can see where these folks are coming from, but Mr Jobs is not a stupid man. He knows that what the market wants is an instrument that gives you the ability to do more with what you ALREADY have.

If you have an iMac, Mac Pro, or MacBook, you already have a fantastic piece of equipment to do your work on. Then you have your iPhone to communicate and connect, play games, music, video and apps to fill in the rest of the gaps and which nicely syncs with what you have on your computer.

What is lacking is the ability to see all this stuff bigger. Do I want to spend another $1,000 bucks to do that which I have on my computer? Not really. Would it be useful to have a larger version of what I have on my iPhone to improve my productivity without dragging along my computer? I should say "Yes!".

If the Amazon Kindle has proven anything, it is the need for a device to bring along with me to read stuff on. Apple's iPad does that and more - photos, video, web surfing, email, calendar, etc. The Apps out there are also pretty sophisticated - I can read and write Excel and Word documents, play games, and much more. I don't need to replace my computer, I want to add to it. The iPad does exactly this. Are there improvements to be made? Sure. It will happen just as we have see the iPod and iPhone evolve, so too will the iPad.

It will sell. You watch.

Disclosure: Long AAPL


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